
1. Journal Articles 2. Book Chapters 3. Conference Abstracts

****Free full-text articles can be found on ResearchGate and HAL****

1. Journal Articles
  1. Schirmer A, Croy I, Ackerley R (2023). What are C-tactile afferents and how do they relate to “affective touch”? Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 151: 105236.
  2. Dione M, Watkins RH, Aimonetti JM, Jourdain R, Ackerley R (2023). Effects of skin moisturization on various aspects of touch showing differences with age and skin site. Scientific Reports, 17977.
  3. Samain‑Aupic L, Gilbert L, André N, Ackerley R, Ribot‑Ciscar E, Aimonetti JM (2023). Applying cosmetic oil with added aromatic compounds improves tactile sensitivity and skin properties. Scientific Reports, 13:10550.
  4. Schirmer A, Cham C, Lai O, Le TS, Ackerley R (2023). Stroking Trajectory Shapes Velocity Effects on Pleasantness and Other Touch Percepts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(1), 71–86.
  5. Watkins RH, Durao de Carvalho Amante M, Backlund Wasling H, Wessberg J, Ackerley R (2022). Slowly-adapting type II afferents contribute to conscious touch sensation in humans: Evidence from single unit intraneural microstimulation. Journal of Physiology, 600(12): 2939-2952.
  6. Ackerley R (2022). C-tactile (CT) afferents: evidence of their function from microneurography studies in humans. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 43: 95-100.
  7. Ribot-Ciscar E, Ackerley R (2021). Muscle proprioceptive feedback can be adapted to the behavioral and emotional context in humans. Current Opinion in Physiology, 20: 46-51.
  8. Dione M., Watkins R.H., Vezzoli E., Lemaire-Semail B., Wessberg J. (2021) Human low-threshold mechanoafferent responses to pure changes in friction controlled using an ultrasonic haptic device. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 11227.
  9. Kavounoudias A, Ackerley R (2021). A fusimotor role for proprioceptive reweighting in a multisensory context. Comment on CrossTalk 50 ‘There is/is not much to gain from the independent control of human muscle spindles’ Journal of Physiology, 1-2.
  10. Ribot-Ciscar E, Aimontetti JM (2021). The control of muscle spindle sensitivity to rehabilitate movements. Comment on the CrossTalk 50 ‘There is/is not much to gain from the independent control of human muscle spindles’ Journal of Physiology, 1–2.
  11. Dione M., Facchini J. (2021). Experience-driven remodeling of S1 digit representation in awake monkeys: the challenge of comparing active and passive touch. Journal of neurophysiology, 125(3), 805-808.
  12. Watkins RH, Dione M, Ackerley R, Backlund Wasling H, Wessberg J, Löken LS (2021). Evidence for sparse C-tactile afferent innervation of glabrous human hand skin. Journal of Neurophysiology, 125(1): 232-237.
  13. Croy I, Bierling A, Sailer U, Ackerley R (2021). Individual variability of pleasantness ratings to stroking touch over different velocities. Neuroscience, 464: 33-43.
  14. Fabre M, Antoine M, Robitaille MG, Ribot-Ciscar E, Ackerley R, Aimonetti JM, Chavet P, Blouin J, Simoneau M, Mouchnino L (2020). Large postural sways prevent foot tactile information from fading: neurophysiological evidence. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2(1).
  15. Mastinu E, Engels LF, Clemente F, Dione M, Sassu P, Aszmann O, Brånemark R, Håkansson B, Controzzi M, Wessberg J, Cipriani C, Ortiz-Catalan M (2020). Neural feedback strategies to improve grasping coordination in neuromusculoskeletal prostheses. Scientific Reports, 10(1): 1-14.
  16. Ackerley R, Sverrisdόttir YB, Birklein F, Elam M, Olausson H, Krämer HH (2020). Cutaneous warmth, but not touch, increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity during a muscle fatigue hand-grip task. Experimental Brain Research, 238: 1035-1042.
  17. Eriksson Hagberg E, Ackerley R, Lundqvist D, Schneiderman J, Jousmäki V, Wessberg J (2019). Spatio-temporal profile of brain activity during gentle touch investigated with magnetoencephalography. NeuroImage, 201: 116024.
  18. Dione M, Wessberg J (2019). Human 8-to 10-Hz pulsatile motor output during active exploration of textured surfaces reflects the textures’ frictional properties. Journal of Neurophysiology, 122(3): 922-932
  19. Ackerley R, Croy I, Olausson H, Badre G (2019). Investigating the putative impact of odors purported to have beneficial effects on sleep: neural and perceptual processes. Chemosensory Perception, 8: 1-13.
  20. Ackerley R, Chancel M, Aimonetti JM, Ribot-Ciscar E, Kavounoudias A (2019). Seeing your foot move changes muscle proprioceptive feedback. eNeuro, 6(2): e0341-18.2019.
  21. O’Neill GC, Watkins RH, Ackerley R, Barratt EL, Sengupta A, Asghar M, Sanchez Panchuelo RM, Brookes MJ, Glover PM, Wessberg J, Francis ST (2019). Imaging human cortical responses to intraneural microstimulation using magnetoencephalography. NeuroImage, 189: 329-340.
  22. Samain-Aupic L, Ackerley R, Aimonetti JM, Ribot-Ciscar E (2019). Emotions can alter kinesthetic acuity. Neuroscience Letters, 694: 99-103.
  23. Sailer U, Ackerley R (2019). Exposure shapes the perception of affective touch. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 35: 109-114.
  24. Ackerley R, Wiklund Fernström K, Backlund Wasling H, Watkins RH, Johnson RD, Vallbo Å, Wessberg J (2018). Differential effects of radiant and mechanically applied thermal stimuli on human C-tactile afferent firing patterns. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120(4): 1885-1892.
  25. Ackerley R, Watkins RH (2018). Microneurography as a tool to study the function of individual C-fiber afferents in humans: responses from nociceptors, thermoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120(6): 2834-2846.
  26. Ackerley R, Backlund Wasling H, Ortiz-Catalan M, Brånemark R, Wessberg J (2018). Case Studies in Neuroscience: Sensations elicited and discrimination ability from nerve cuff stimulation in an amputee over time. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120(1): 291-295.
  27. Ackerley R, Aimonetti JM, Ribot-Ciscar E (2017). Emotions alter muscle proprioceptive coding of movements in humans. Scientific Reports, 7: 8465.
  28. Croy I, Sehlstedt, I, Backlund Wasling H, Ackerley R, Olausson H (2017). Gentle touch perception: from childhood to adolescence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, S1878-9293(17): 30023-3.
  29. Glover PM, Watkins RH, O’Neill G, Ackerley R, Sanchez-Panchuelo R, McGlone F, Brookes MJ, Wessberg J, Francis ST (2017). An intra-neural microstimulation system for ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencephalography. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 290: 69-78.
  30. Watkins RH, Wessberg J, Backlund Wasling H, Dunham J, Olausson H, Johnson RD, Ackerley R (2017). Optimal delineation of single C-tactile and C-nociceptive afferents in humans using latency slowing. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(4): 1608-1614.
  31. Filingeri D, Ackerley R (2017). The biology of skin wetness perception and its implications in manual function and for reproducing complex somatosensory signals in neuroprosthetics. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(4): 1761-1775.
  32. Sanchez Panchuelo RM*, Ackerley R*, Glover PM, Bowtell RW, Wessberg J, Francis ST, McGlone F (2016). Mapping quantal touch using 7 Tesla functional magnetic resonance imaging and single-unit intraneural microstimulation. eLife, 5: e12812. *contributed equally to this work
  33. Ackerley R, Borich M, Oddo C, Ionta S (2016). Insights and perspectives on sensory-motor integration and rehabilitation. Multisensory Research, March: 1-27.
  34. Sehlstedt I,Ignell H, Backlund Wasling H, Ackerley R,Olausson H, Croy I (2016). Gentle touch perception across the lifespan. Psychology & Aging, 31(2): 176-184.
  35. Ackerley R, Kavounoudias A (2015). The role of tactile afference in shaping motor behaviour and implications for prosthetic innovation. Neuropsychologia, 79B: 192-205.
  36. Hudson KM, Condon M, Ackerley R, McGlone F, Olausson H, Macefield VG, Birznieks I (2015). Effects of changing skin mechanics on the differential sensitivity to surface compliance by tactile afferents in the human finger pad. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(4): 2249-2257.
  37. Ackerley R, Badre G, Olausson H (2015). Positive effects of a weighted blanket on insomnia. Journal of Sleep Medicine & Disorders, 2(3): 1022.
  38. Ackerley R, Backlund Wasling H, Liljencrantz J, Olausson H, Johnson RD, Wessberg J (2014). Human C-tactile afferents are tuned to the temperature of a skin-stroking caress. Journal of Neuroscience, 34: 2879-2883.
  39. Ackerley R, Carlsson I, Wester H, Olausson H, Backlund Wasling H (2014). Touch perceptions across skin sites: differences between sensitivity, direction discrimination and pleasantness. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8: 54.
  40. Ackerley R, Saar K, McGlone F, Backlund Wasling H (2014). Quantifying the sensory and emotional perception of touch: differences between glabrous and hairy skin. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8: 34.
  41. Triscoli C, Ackerley R, Sailer U (2014). Touch satiety: differential effects of stroking velocity on liking and wanting touch over repetitions. PLoS ONE, 9: e113425.
  42. Liljencrantz J, Marshall A, Ackerley R, Olausson H (2014). Discriminative and affective touch in human experimental tactile allodynia. Neuroscience Letters, 563: 75-79.
  43. Guest S, Mehrabyan A, Ackerley R, McGlone F, Phillips N, Essick G (2014). Tactile experience does not ameliorate age-related reductions in sensory function. Experimental Aging Research, 40: 81-106.
  44. Ackerley R, Eriksson E, Wessberg J (2013). Ultra-late EEG potential evoked by preferential activation of unmyelinated tactile afferents in human hairy skin. Neuroscience Letters, 535: 62-66.
  45. Ackerley R, Hassan E, Curran A, Wessberg J, Olausson H, McGlone F (2012). An fMRI study on cortical responses during active self-touch and passive touch from others. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 6: 51.
  46. Ackerley R, Olausson H, Wessberg J, McGlone F (2012). Wetness perception across body sites. Neuroscience Letters, 522: 73-77.
  47. Makin ADJ, Poliakoff E, Ackerley R, El-Deredy W (2012). Covert tracking: Acombined ERP and fixational eye movement study. PLoS ONE, 7: e38479.
  48. Makin ADJ, Ackerley R, Wild K, Poliakoff E, Gowen E, El-Deredy W (2011). Coherent illusory contours reduce microsaccade frequency. Neuropsychologia, 49: 2798-2801.
  49. Ackerley R, Barnes GR (2011). The interaction of visual, vestibular and extra-retinal mechanisms in the control of head and gaze during head-free pursuit. Journal of Physiology, 589: 1627-42.
  50. Ackerley R , Barnes GR (2011). Extraction of visual motion information for the control of eye and head movement during head-free pursuit. Experimental Brain Research, 210: 569-82.
  51. Guest S, Dessirier J, Mehrabyan A, McGlone F, Essick G, Gescheider G, Fontana A, Xiong R, Ackerley R, Blot K (2011). The development and validation of sensory and emotional scales of touch perception. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 73: 531-550.
  52. Makin A, Wild K, Ackerley R (2010). The middle temporal area does not relay vestibular signals. Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 1199-1200.
  53. Ackerley R, Wild, K, Makin A (2008). Cognitive influences on the generation of eye movements. Journal of Neuroscience, 28: 8863-8864.
  54. Sherwood JL, Mistry R, Ackerley R, Melvin TRO (2008). Isolating the kinetics of facilitation in the mossy fibre pathway. Journal of Physiology, 586: 2671-2672.
  55. Ackerley R, Pardoe J, Apps R (2006). A novel site of synaptic relay for climbing fibre pathways relaying signals from the motor cortex to the cerebellar cortical C1 zone. Journal of Physiology, 576: 503-518.
  56. Odeh F*, Ackerley R*, Bjaalie JG, Apps R (2005). Pontine maps linking somatosensory and cerebellar cortices are in register with climbing fiber somatotopy. Journal of Neuroscience, 25: 5680-90. * contributed equally to this work

2. Book Chapters

  1. Ackerley R (2023). Somatosensation and body perception: the integration of afferent signals in multisensory cognitive processes. In: Cognitive Archaeology, Body Cognition, and the Evolution of Visuospatial Perception, in press. Free pre-print
  2. Ackerley R, Watkins RH (2022). Microneurography: Recordings from single neurons in human peripheral nerves. In: Somatosensory Research Methods. Ed. Holmes NP. Springer Neuromethods, Berlin, in press. Free pre-print
  3. Merrick C, Ackerley R, Filingeri D (2022). Experimental framework and methods for the assessment of skin wetness sensing in humans. In: Somatosensory Research Methods. Ed. Holmes NP. Springer Neuromethods, Berlin, in press. Free pre-print
  4. Ackerley R, Backlund Wasling H, McGlone, F (2016). The Touch Landscape. In: Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents. Eds. Olausson H et al., Chapter 6, p. 88-109.
  5. McGlone F, Walker S, Ackerley R (2016). Affective Touch and Human Grooming Behaviours: Feeling Good and Looking Good. In: Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents. Eds. Olausson H et al., Chapter 16, p. 265-282.

3. Published Conference Abstracts

  • Dione M, Daumas H, Ackerley R (2021). Effect of multidigit scanning on tactile discrimination. Society for Neuroscience Abstr.
  • Samain-Aupic L, Dione M, Aimonetti JM, Watkins RH, Ackerley R (2021). Investigating how humans perceive differences between drops of water. Society for Neuroscience Abstr.
  • Watkins RH, Amante M, Ackerley R, Hayward V, Wessberg J (2021). Tactile intensity perception is shaped by temporal integration: evidence from single afferent recording and stimulation in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstr.
  • Dione M, Ackerley R, Ortiz Catalan M, Wessberg J (2021). Microstimulation    as    a    tool    to    explore    touch    percepts    elicited    by    electrical    stimulation. International Conference on Phantom Limb Pain (ICPLP).
  • Samain-Aupic L, Dione M, Aimonetti JM, Watkins R, Ackerley R (2021). Investigating how humans perceive differences between drops of water. NeuroFrance.
  • Ackerley R (2020). Touch and temperature interactions at the level of the single afferent in humans. International Conference on the Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation (PPTR) (oral presentation).
  • Mouchnino L, Fabre M, Antoine M, Robitaille MG, Ribot-Ciscar E, Ackerley R, Aimonetti JM, Chavet P, Blouin J, Simoneau M (2019). Large body sways help maintaining balance by increasing the transmission of cutaneous input following prolonged periods of reduced body oscillations: EEG, microneurography and behavioral evidence. Société Francophone Posture Équilibre et Locomotion (SOPFEL).
  • Ackerley R (2019). Microneurography: single unit recordings from touch afferents in humans. Research in Touch.
  • Sailer U, Bierling A, Croy I, Ackerley R (2019). Individual stability of pleasantness ratings for stroking touch. International Association for the Study of Affective Touch (IASAT).
  • Eriksson Hagberg E, Krýslc D, Ackerley R, Göthner K, Nilsson J, Schneiderman J, Lundqvist D, Jousmäki V, Malmgren K, Rydenhag B, Wessberg J (2019). Human brain processing of gentle touch investigated with time-resolved methods. International Association for the Study of Affective Touch (IASAT).
  • Samain-Aupic L, Ackerley R, Aimonetti JM, Ribot-Ciscar E (2019). Emotions can alter kinesthetic acuity. NeuroFrance, 598.
  • Pavlidou A, Mohler B, Bues M, Ackerley R (2018). Investigating the effects of touch in social interactions. Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society (ACNS), 75.
  • Sengupta A, Ackerley R, Watkins RH, Sanchez Panchuelo R, Glover P, Wessberg J, Francis S (2018). Global responses to microstimulation at 7T and comparison with vibrotactile stimulation. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
  • Eriksson Hagberg E, Ackerley R, Lundqvist D, Schneiderman J, Jousmäki V, Wessberg J (2018). Human brain processing of gentle naturalistic touch. International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG).
  • O’Neill GC, Wessberg J, Watkins RH, Ackerley R, Barratt EL, Glover PM, Sengupta A, Brookes MJ, Francis ST (2018). Imaging the cortical responses to quantised touch. International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG).
  • O’Neill GC, Wessberg J, Watkins RH, Ackerley R, Glover PM, Witton C, Furlong P, Halld M, Brookes MJ, Francis ST (2018). MEG compatible microneurography and intra-neural microstimulation instrumentation.International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG).
  • Watkins RH, Wessberg J, Backlund Wasling H, Dunham J, Olausson H, Johnson RD, Ackerley R (2016). Axonal properties distinguish C-tactile from C-nociceptive afferents in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstr.
  • Dione M, Watkins RH, Ackerley R, Wessberg J (2016). Afferent responses to tactile stimulation by natural textures during active touch in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 618
  • Amante M, Watkins RH, Bochereau S, Ackerley R, Wessberg J, Hayward V (2016). Tactile afferent responses to mechanical pink noise bursts of varying amplitude and duration in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstr.
  • Ackerley R (2015). Functional neuroimaging of sensory-motor systems: understanding input-output relations in the healthy brain, International Multisensory Research Forum (oral communication).
  • Ackerley R (2015). C-tactile afferents are tuned to the temperature of a skin-stroking caress, International Association for the Study of Affective Touch meeting (oral communication).
  • Sanchez-Panchuelo R, Ackerley R, Glover P, Bowtell R, Wessberg J, McGlone F, Francis S (2015). Characterizing cortical responses to the stimulation of single mechanoreceptive afferents using fMRI at 7 T. ISMRM (oral communication).
  • Sehlstedt I, Ignell H, Backlund Wasling H, Ackerley R, Olausson H, Björnsdotter M, Croy I (2015). Perception of affective touch: from adolescence to late adulthood. Human Brain Mapping 4296.
  • Badre G, Olausson H, Ackerley R (2015). Effect of a heavy (“weighted”) blanket on sleep in insomniacs. World Sleep.
  • Marshall A, Ackerley R (2014). Uncovering the tactile aspects in sensing drops of water. International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology 187.
  • Ackerley R, Backlund Wasling, H, Trulsson M, Wessberg J (2013). EEG activity evoked from the microstimulation of single mechanoafferents in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 465.17.
  • McGlone F, Ackerley R, Sanchez Panchuelo R, Glover P, Bowtell R, Wessberg J, Francis S (2013). Intraneural microstimulation of somatosensory afferents during fMRI at 7T. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 644.23.
  • Ackerley R, Backlund Wasling H, Trulsson M, Wessberg J (2013). Microstimulation of single mechanoafferents in humans: evoked EEG brain activity. Janelia Farm Mammalian Circuits Underlying Touch Sensation.
  • Sanchez Panchuelo R, Ackerley R, Glover P, Al Debasi B, Bowtell R, Wessberg J, Francis S, McGlone F (2013). Combined intraneural microstimulation and high resolution fMRI at 7T. ISMRM (oral communication).
  • Hudson K, Condon M, Mahns D, Birznieks I, Olausson H, LaMotte RH, Ackerley R, McGlone F, Macefield VG (2013). Effects of venous occlusion on the firing of tactile mechanoreceptors in the human finger pads. Australian Neuroscience Society.
  • Sanchez Panchuelo R, Ackerley R, Glover P, Al Debasi B, Bowtell R, Wessberg J, Francis S, McGlone F (2013). Combined intraneural microstimulation and high resolution fMRI at 7T. Human Brain Mapping.
  • Ackerley R, Backlund Wasling H, Wessberg J (2012). Microstimulation of single mechanoreceptor afferents in humans: differences in sensation discrimination in the glabrous skin of the hand. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 677.26.
  • Backlund Wasling H, Saar K, Ackerley R (2012). A reproducible scale for sensory and emotional aspects of the tactile experience. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 677.01.
  • Marshall A, Ackerley R, Barnes GR (2012). Prediction of direction changes in 2D smooth pursuit. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 374.06.
  • Ackerley R, Eriksson E, Wessberg J (2011). Late EEG potentials evoked by pleasant tactile stimulation of human hairy skin from preferential activation of unmyelinated tactile (CT) afferents. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 495.09.
  • McGlone F, Ackerley R, Hassan E, Curran A, Kaiser M (2011). Pleasant touch in autism: a role for c-tactile afferents? Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 385.19.
  • Ackerley R, McGlone F, Olausson H, Wessberg J (2010). Mapping the sensation of wetness across the body. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 178.13.
  • Ackerley R, Hassan E, Curran A, McGlone F (2010). A fMRI study to investigate sensorimotor processing in high-functioning adults with ASD. Brain Research Meeting: Emerging Neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorders (satellite to Society for Neuroscience meeting), San Diego, USA, P057.
  • Hassan E, Ackerley R, McGlone F, Curran A (2010). A study of the relationship of abnormal reward processing and dopamine signalling in adults with high functioning autistic spectrum disorder. 3rd Autism Neuroscience Conference, Cambridge, UK.
  • Ackerley R, Makin ADJ, Wild K, Poliakoff E, Gowen, E, El-Deredy W (2010). Induced gamma band: neural activity or microsaccades? Human Brain Mapping, Abstr. 3135.
  • Makin ADJ, Ackerley R, Poliakoff E, El-Deredy W (2010). 8-12 Hz brain oscillations during covert visuospatial tracking. Human Brain Mapping, Abstr. 1858.
  • Barnes GR, Ackerley R, Brohan KP (2010). A model of target motion storage and visual-vestibular interaction that simulates both anticipatory pursuit and prediction in periodic pursuit. Neural Control of Movement Abstr.
  • Ackerley R, Barnes GR, Brohan KP (2009). A neural network model of predictive behaviour and visual-vestibular interaction during head-fixed and head-free pursuit. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. 559.1.
  • Collins CJS, Ackerley R, Barnes GR (2009). Rapid acquisition of a generic predictive pursuit response to randomized target motion in 2D. Society for Neuroscience Abstr., 559.4.
  • Ackerley R, Barnes GR (2009). The role of extra-retinal mechanisms in driving gaze and head movement responses to briefly sampled motion stimuli. European Conference on Eye Movements, PC6.
  • Ackerley R, Collins CJS, Barnes GR (2009). Predictive control of pursuit using internal feedback: comparing head-fixed and head-free strategies in sampling and storing of brief visual motion. Brit. Neurosci. Assoc. Abstr., vol. 20, p. 96.
  • Ackerley R, Collins CJS, Barnes GR (2008). Evidence for sampling and storage of visual motion information in the predictive control of head and eye during head-free pursuit. Society for Neuroscience Abstr., 263.12.
  • McGlone F, Ackerley R, Essick G, Bowtell R, Francis S, Roberts N, Ho L, Olausson H (2008). Psychophysical and neuroimaging investigations of human touch: discriminative and affective properties. The Physiological Society Meeting, SA44.
  • Ackerley R, Collins CJS, Barnes GR (2008). The role of visual motion information in the control of gaze & head movement during head-free pursuit. The Physiological Society meeting, PC97.
  • Barnes GR, Collins CJS, Ackerley R (2008). Extraction and temporary storage of visual motion information for the control of gaze and head movements during head-free pursuit. 25th Barany Society Meeting.
  • Ackerley R, Apps R (2006). Topographical relations within the pons between motor cortical inputs and cerebellar cortical outputs. Society for Neuroscience Abstr., 653.20.
  • Ackerley R, Apps R (2005). A putative site of synaptic relay for the motor cortical projection to the inferior olive in rats. Journal of Physiology, 567P (oral communication).
  • Ackerley R, Pardoe J, Apps R (2004). Anatomical and physiological aspects of the cerebro-cerebellar system in the rat. Society for Neuroscience Abstr., 535.13.
  • Ackerley R, Odeh F, Bjaalie JG, Apps R (2004). Ponto-cerebellar projections and their congruence to climbing fibre zones in the rat. FENS Abstracts Vol. 2, A129.1.
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